
Save Time With A Professional Clipboard Manager

textBEAST Clipboard Manager is a professional solution for working with frequently-used text, as an alternative to having to constantly retype text or rely on saved text files. It provides a convenient and centralized method of reusing information for your projects and reports. The Windows clipboard itself is very limited in its uses, but this solution expands on that, making it a great deal more powerful. It is an ideal way to save time and work more efficiently. The solution provides various features including the ability to logically store and sort information for rapid copying and pasting. For fast access to frequently-used text, users can define different groups for each category of material. One-click pasting rapidly inserts your saved text clips into any text window in which you would otherwise use the basic Windows clipboard. In addition, the auto-clipboard feature automatically stores the last 20 items copied into the Windows clipboard, available to you if needed. For security, data files are encrypted and can be password-protected. For more convenience, the software can be run as a portable application from media such as a USB flash drive.

A clipboard manager can be beneficial in many situations, and textBEAST provides a number of additional useful extra features to make it more powerful and versatile than any other method. These extra features include network compatibility, a secure read-only option, automatic backup of information, window or screen capture, and image viewer. With an organized structure and outstanding ease-of-use, textBEAST Clipboard Manager Windows 7 Key requires no special knowledge to use.

textBEAST is ideal for anyone who frequently writes reports and communications in which fragments Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Product Key of text can be reused. This solution provides users with the ability to have multiple clips that can be quickly added to documents. In any business, time means money, and a lot of time can be saved by using textBEAST clipboard manager rather than constantly retyping text or searching for separate text files containing frequently-used templates. With textBEAST, it is easy to improve efficiency and make your work simpler and less frustrating. Using textBEAST to automate your documents can also help reduce mistakes.

Office 2010 Key The primary purpose of textBEAST clipboard manager is to harness large quantities of text. However, there is also a version that allows you to work with image data as well. In addition to easily storing, copying and pasting images, you can also resize them visually with the Express Resizer without having to determine Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Product Key numerical values Windows 7 Key for height and width, making it easier than ever to paste images of the optimal size into your documents. To ensure that quality is always kept at the highest level, anti-aliasing is used on all resized images.

You can learn more about textBEAST Clipboard Manager at asbware.com. The software works with any version of Windows from 98 to Windows 7 and is available in two versions to suit your needs.

