
How To Configure Voipsip Client For Windows Mobile 6 Sip

Configuring VOIP and SIP client services for Windows Mobile 6 SIP is simple. Typically, devices that support such services for Windows Mobile 6 SIP come pre-bundled and installed. However, if you are getting a free phone, as opposed to purchasing a new Softphone, you might need to manually configure VOIP and the SIP client.

?To configure VOIP and SIP client for a Windows Mobile 6 SIP compatible phone, you must first check in the Windows directory to ensure the following files are present: rtcdll.dll, voipphonecanvas.dll, dnsapi.dll, and ipdialplan.xml.

oNOTE: If any of these files are not present before configuring VOIP and SIP client for Windows Mobile 6 SIP, you will have to go out to the net and download the files to ensure you are ready to configure before actually doing so. Windows 7 Product Key Generator Configuring services for Windows Mobile 6 SIP without having these Windows 7 Activation Key files will disable many important functions and processes that you need for your Windows Mobile 6 SIP compatible phone.

?Next, you will need to create a setup XML file to hold and store all applicable programs and applications to keep your Windows Mobile 6 SIP compatible phone running properly. This is the file directory you will be transferring the actual device.

?Then, create a _setup.xml file with all parameters for your Windows Mobile 6 SIP applications. If you do not know how to do this, there are many files available online that are quick and easy to run.

?Next, type the following command into a dos prompt: cabarc N myvoipsettings.cab_setup.xml. This command will go out and access the file you just made. Transfer this file onto your Windows Mobile 6 SIP phone.

?Rename the setup file with a .txt file extension. It will be transferred as _setup.xml and you change it to _setup.txt. Although it is essential, this step is often missed in configuring services for Windows Mobile 6 SIP.

?Delete sipprovidername and enter the Office 2010 Product Key name of your actually SIP/VOIP provider. Your mobile device must be aware of what SIP/VOIP service provider you are using.

?Change accountand_password to your actual username and password. This will ensure you can get into the administrator tools for your device in the future.

?Where you see SIP: , replace with your SIP address.

?Go back and save the file as setup.xml and the run the cabarc N voip.cabsetup.xml.

?Now, you will need to go back and ensure the provisioning/parameter setting worked. To do this, check for the file ProvOSIPSettings file is present under the file tree of \Windows\System\VoIP.

Configuring services for Windows Mobile 6 SIP compatible phones www.facebook.com href="http://www.windows7keygensale.com/">Windows 7 Key can be simple if you have the right files setup beforehand. Lacking in any of these steps above will lead to a real mess; you would basically have to delete everything and start over. Your Windows directories will never know what you are trying to do unless you have the right dll files. Following the steps above will ensure you have a Windows Mobile 6 SIP client that works properly.

